

What is laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy?                 Sleeve gastrectomy  Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy is rapidly becoming most commonly performed procedure, first performed in 1988 as first stage of duodenal switch after this procedure the patient was seen to loose weight rapid / sustained  weight loss observed.  Bariatric surgery is the most common performed gastrointestinal surgery in the USA.Obesity is the most second living cause of the preventable death.  Laparoscopic  Gastric Sleeve is a minimally invasive surgery  or Vertical sleeve gastrectomy is the most popular weight loss surgery. It is done by removing a large portion of your stomach about 70-80% portion of stomach. The stomach you are left with is narrow and long, shaped like a banana.  Main cause of sleeve gastrectomy is morbid obesity. Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy is a safe procedure and durable bariatric procedure that can be done in a m...

Tips of laparoscopic surgery

Tips Of laparoscopic surgery  Before we explain the basic principles of laparoscopic surgery, let’s understand what laparoscopic surgery is: Invented by George Kelling in 1901, in 1901, uses several 0.5-1cm incisions along with a small camera to detect and treat any illness in the pelvic or the adnominal area. Laparoscopy just minimizes the ACCESS/Skin incision! As far as steps are concerned, it is identical to Open surgery, fast recovery and painless surgery, and quick return to their daily routine work. The following are broad suggestions for any Laparoscopic Abdominal Surgery, individual patients need to re-confirm with their Surgeons. Do not insist on a Laparoscopic Surgery if your surgeon advices against it. Stop Smoking atleast a month prior & a month after your surgery Asthma/COPD, Hypertension, Diabetes etc are under strict control immediately prior to surgery. Post Surgery monitor Sugars & Blood pressure at home. Loose weight & Go on a very Low carbohydrate/fat...


LAPAROSCOPIC NISSEN FUNDOPLICATION      Laparoscopic nisses fundoplication  Laparoscopic nissen fundoplication is a minimally invasive procedure which is done to restore the function of lower esophageal sphincter this is the valve present between the esophagus and stomach which is also called hiatal hernia.In this procedure the fundus or upper part of the stomach is wrapped around the lower portion of the esophagus and fundoplication is formed by suturing the stomach around the esophagus.   Hiatal hernia is an opening in the diaphragm through which stomach or omentum is forced into the chest cavity and some time small intestine also stuck into the chest cavity.  Type 1 hiatal hernia repair is usually by laparoscopic nissen fundoplication.  Indication and symptoms of the hiatal hernia severe heartburn, severe inflammation of the esophagus due to reflux, esophageal strictures due to acid damage, chronic inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia ), regurg...


-LAPAROSCOPIC PARTIAL NEPHRECTOMY : Laparoscopic partial nephrectomy provides patient with a safe and effective way to remove small renal or kidney tumour, while preserving remaining of the kidney. Partial nephrectomy has become a standard procedure for selected patient with renal cell carcinoma. The aim is remove only the cancerous part of the kidney and save remaining healthy kidney and kidney function.  Benefits of laparoscopic partial nephrectomy   Reduce blood loss and transfusion.  Precise tumour removal & kidney reconstruction  Less post operative pain Shorter hospital stay Improved cosmesis Fast recovery as compared to open surgery  -Indication : Localized tumour confined to kidney or cure to kidney cancer To control symptoms  To improve immune system  Laparoscopic partial nephrectomy  done under the full general anesthesia  with  endotracheal tube intubation.General anesthesia for pain relief during surgery and comfort to p...


What is laparoscopic radical nephrectomy?  Laparoscopic radical nephrectomy done by surgeon when patient have kidney cancer in this procedure surgeon remove kidney as well as adrenal galnd this procedure done under the general anesthesia. Benefits of laparoscopic radical  nephrectomy   Reduce blood loss and transfusion.  Reduce pain Shorter hospital stay Improved cosmesis Fast recovery as compared to open surgery  Laparoscopic radical nephrectomy  done under the full general anesthesia  with  endotracheal tube intubation.General anesthesia for pain relief during surgery and comfort to patient.patient asleep during whole surgery.  Fentanyl citrate and muscle relaxtant given to the patient and Endotracheal intubation will given and hypnotic agent like propofol given.  Than anesthesist continue watching monitor and watch vital signs including pulse, spo2(saturation ), E.C.G,  body temperature and blood until the  patient  wil...


Laparoscopic Nephrectomy : Laparoscopic nephrectomy is a surgical procedure in which surgeon remove the kidney,It is done most often because a kidney has become diseased and no longer function this conditions is known as kidney failure, renal failure, renal insufficiency or kidney insufficiency.  A kidney infection that impairs kidney function can also be a reason for kidney removal surgery.  Kidney infection start through bladder as a lower urinary track infection. More rarely patient can get a kidney infection if bacteria enters your blood during surgery and reach to kidney, in other cases, not treating a bladder infection quickly enough gives it a chance to turn into a kidney infection.  Such infection are classified as an acute kidney infection or chronic kidney infection.  Acute kidney infection occurs in a relatively short period of time, is characterized by severe symptoms  Its often caused by germs and infection that migrate upward from the bladder th...


Laparoscopic oesophagectomy: What is laparoscopic esophagectomy?  Laparoscopic esophagectomy or Minimally invasive esophagectomy in this procedure diseased portion or cancerous portion of the esophagus removed and stomach is used to reconstruct the esophagus for quicker recovery and decreased pain.first description of minimally esophagectomy in 1992. Esophagus is the tube like structure that passes food from mouth to throat then stomach.Mostly esophagectomy is done to treat cancer of the esophagus. Some time also be done to treat the esophagus if it is no longer working to move food into the stomach. Esophageal cancer amongs the cancer with the most rapidly increasing incidence in the western world. Laparoscopic esophagectomy was associated with 77% lower risk of major intraoperative and postoperative complications than open esophagectomy furthermore, laparoscopic esophagectomy was associated with 50% lower risk of major pulmonary complications than open surgery. Overall survival a...