Laparoscopic partial nephrectomy provides patient with a safe and effective way to remove small renal or kidney tumour, while preserving remaining of the kidney. Partial nephrectomy has become a standard procedure for selected patient with renal cell carcinoma. The aim is remove only the cancerous part of the kidney and save remaining healthy kidney and kidney function. 

Benefits of laparoscopic partial nephrectomy 

Reduce blood loss and transfusion. 

Precise tumour removal & kidney reconstruction 

Less post operative pain

Shorter hospital stay

Improved cosmesis

Fast recovery as compared to open surgery 

-Indication :

Localized tumour confined to kidney or cure to kidney cancer

To control symptoms 

To improve immune system 

Laparoscopic partial nephrectomy  done under the full general anesthesia with  endotracheal tube intubation.General anesthesia for pain relief during surgery and comfort to patient.patient asleep during whole surgery. 
Fentanyl citrate and muscle relaxtant given to the patient and Endotracheal intubation will given and hypnotic agent like propofol given. 
Than anesthesist continue watching monitor and watch vital signs including pulse, spo2(saturation ), E.C.G,  body temperature and blood until the  patient  will not shifted from operation theatre to general ward.

In the operations theatre may be placed epidural catheter for pain management after the surgery and placed arterial line for accurate blood pressure and central line for medication and placed catheter  for urinary  drainage. 

In this procedure surgeon give 3 to 4 incision the abdomen which is less than 1cm for inserting the 5mm and 10mm trocar,  surgeon insert the veris needle for inflate the abdominal cavity by carbon di oxide gas for creating  sapce inside the abdominal cavity for working, because surgery perform inside the abdomen by the looking at the monitor screen. After the introducing the co2 gas surgeon insert the 10mm telescope which is standard laparoscope which attached with video camera and connect the xenon cold light source and co2 cable attached  form trocar channel, after the visualization surgeon insert another 5mm trocar for inserting 5mm laparoscopic instruments like grassper and marinland after that sugeron inspect the abdominal cavity and  surgeon remove the fat assess the kidney and  the tumour and cut the only tumour or diseased part  of the kidney and reconstruct the kidney by the endo suturing and remove only cancerous or tomur part by giving 3 to 5 cm incision above the abdomen and place abdominal drain for drainage output and close the incision by suturing aur stapler  and dressed by waterproof dressings or sterile dressing.

After the surgery patient shifted to recovery room for close monitoring of all vital signs, heart rate, blood pressure when patient get stable  then shifted to general surgical ward.

-How to prevent and keep health kidney :

Try not to smoke 

Eat dinner that are low in fat and cholesterol.

Take medicines to bring down cholesterol

Hold diabetes or glucose under control 

Stop eating lot of salt

Take enough water.

Don't drink excessive alcohol 

Keep high blood pressure under control. 

Don't ignore kidney infection and urinary tract infection. 



Specialised in Kidney stones & treatment Ureteroscopy, Pcnl, Mini Perk, Benign Prostate disease treatment, TURP Uro -Oncology Laparoscopy Female urology , surgery for stress incontinence, fistulas .Paediatric urology surgery- PUValves, VUR surgery, Hypospadias Andrology & Male Infertility Men’s sexual healthReconstructive urology surgery Urethral stricture - Endoscopic surgery & Urethroplasties, Renal Transplantation surgery, Lithotripsy.


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